Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Dollywood- Home Spun Fun

 COVID is in recession, we hope, and life is struggling to return to normal. So today Ben and I vertices out with our newly minted Season’s Passes to Dollywood. I don’t like to brag, but our Gold Level Passes entitled us to free parking. We paid for the free parking by being sent to parking lot E. E is am sure stands for everyone in the world was fighting for a parking space there. However, once parked, the magic of Dollywood swept over me like a summer breeze sitting on my Nanny’s porch snapping beans or sucking corn. 

You see for a many generations, there have been struggles about likes and dislikes. Dolly Parton seems to be a great common ground. She sings from her heart- she tells her story by in fact telling all of our stories. Whenever I listen to the profound words of Dolly Parton, be it in a quote or from a song, I am inspired. 

As I walked through the park and hummed along with her songs, I realized it wasn’t about the rides or the food- well maybe that cinnamon bread was more important to me than it should have been- it was about being with my family and my friends. 

Dolly inspires us to be at our best, always and forever. 

“Dream more, learn more, care more, be more.”

-Dolly Parton

Thank for your inspirational words. Thank you your own magical country kingdom- but most important thank you for teaching us to be our best!

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Easter Fun

 Easter is a great season! The renewal of nature, the celebrations in church, and an opportunity to gather with family and friends make the season a welcomed transition to the spring and summer season. Gone are the harsh winter days that scourged us into our homes with damp feet and chattering teeth. In order to provide some Easter decorating fun. I’ve included a video below for making a wreath. You can get the supplies at various craft spots and make the design your own. Most importantly, have fun with process. Perfection isn’t the goal, instead focus on the time working with family, letting kids pick out ribbon, or inviting a group of pals over for a wine and wreath party. Many holidays focus on religion, family, and friends. Wherever you stand in faith, the emphasis on family and friends shouldn’t be lost. During COVID, many of us missed family and friends during our holidays and birthdays. Milestones were missed. I encourage you to make of the holidays and use the upcoming post from Ballard Jefferies to help you make Eastertide a wonderful season- full of moments that become lasting memories.